The nearest railway station is at Campsea Ashe 2 miles away (strangely it is called Wickham Market station, even though the town of Wickham Market is several miles away). Connecting train services are available to Ipswich, London, Norwich and Harwich. We will provide a free drop-off service to Campsea Ashe for any runners wishing to travel onwards by train after the event.
Convenient overnight accommodation within half a mile of the finish line includes
the village pub with rooms, the
Blaxhall Youth Hostel, and campsite facilties (either at the Youth Hostel by arrangement with them, or on the Recreation Ground immediately adjacent to the Village Hall by arrangement with us, charged at £5 per pitch as a donation to Village Hall funds).
If you have a car, a wider range of B&B or hotel accommodation can be found nearby at Orford, Melton, or Woodbridge.